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Episode 1: Danielle Duboise

In this episode Danielle Duboise, mother and co-founder of all-natural meal-delivery service Sakara Life, talks about her personal struggles with disordered eating, how nutrition saved her life and key take-aways for optimal personal health for both yourself and your family. Originally from Sedona, Arizona, Danielle started Sakara over a decade ago with childhood friend Whitney Tingle. Based out of New York City she now gets to impact thousands of lives with her take on ‘food as medicine’. For anyone outside of The States there is the bestselling Sakara book ‘Eat Clean, Play Dirty: Recipes for a Body and Life You Love‘. The Sakara Life-team works with many experts, including local organic farmers, food scientists and innovative chefs. During the interview Danielle revealed that she is now pregnant with her second child. She also touches on breastfeeding in public – just like Artipoppe’s founder Anna van den Bogert she is a huge proponent of this –, the physical and mental transformations that come with motherhood, balancing parenthood and career, female leaders and how being a mom actually made her a better leader.

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Sakara Life

 “In the beginning we weren’t really on a mission to start a business, we were on a mission to share this secret that we had found that completely transformed our bodies and lives.”

 “This mission is bigger than the two of us and our discomfort or exhaustion that we had; we knew we had to keep going.”

 “Diets teach you that you’re supposed to count calories and carbs and points and pounds, but they never teach you to build a body that you feel really good, sexy and empowered in.”

“The human body is incredible. They change and adapt so fast, so it doesn’t take long to really start to feel the difference for if you haven’t been eating well in the past and start this new and healthy lifestyle we offer.”


“As business leaders, we should ask ourselves, can we allow space for employees rhythms to look different depending on men, women and lifestyle choices. And I think the answer is ‘yes’.”

“You can be better at your job because you’re a parent.”


“Motherhood came to me quite easily in a way that it didn’t feel like my whole lifestyle changed when I became a mother, it felt really natural.”

“This city didn’t ask me to change my life. I could bring my daughter everywhere, to meetings, to a panel, board meetings.”

“When you become a parent, you start to take time very seriously, you become much more efficient. It might not be longer hours at the office perse, but better hours.”

“I feel there is this unfair request to mothers and fathers of ‘when you are home, you’re a parent and when you’re at work, you’re at work’ and this line in the sand, I don’t think works for most families anymore.”

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Pilot episode: The power of feminine energy and what it means to Artipoppe, explained by Anna van den Bogert

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Episode 17: Adriana Ayales shares ancient herbs and plant remedies for pregnancy, birth and postpartum

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Episode 16: Latham Thomas on preparing for birth through functional movement, community’s role in birth and breast milk as liquid love

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Episode 15: Mayara Assis on how sex is more than creating a baby

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Episode 14: Laura Storm on regeneration, connecting to nature and reclaiming our feminine essence

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Episode 13: Jane Goodall on what chimpanzees can teach us about parenting and how this is key to a hopeful future on planet earth

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Episode 12: Sister Cody on how changing the world starts with loving yourself

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Episode 11: Gabrielle Bernstein on removing stigma around medical intervention and spiritual motherhood

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Episode 10: Zach Bush on motherhood, parenting, holistic health and bridging science, spirit and nature

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Episode 9: Jeanne de Kroon about a sustainable and socially fair future for all 

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Episode 8: Samira Rafaela about true diversity and more women in leadership positions

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Episode 7: Carson Meyer about changing the status quo when it comes to birthing

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Episode 6: What we can learn from indigenous communities with Nina Gualinga

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Episode 5: Mama Medicine on motherhood from a spiritual point of view

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Episode 4: Ella Mills about changing the global food culture

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Episode 3: Linda Tol on miscarriage, overcoming infertility and being in an interracial relationship

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Episode 2: Building a wiser and kinder world with Holiday Phillips

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Episode 1: Danielle Duboise on food as medicine and motherhood

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