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Pilot episode: Anna van den Bogert

In this pilot episode Anna van den Bogert, founder of Artipoppe, explains what ‘The New Motherhood’ actually means to her. She shares how she came up with her business after she gave birth to her second child. What was only supposed to be a few beautiful, well-made baby carriers for herself and a few dear friends eventually turned into a larger mission, empowering women and in particular mothers. Over the past eight years Anna had many intimate conversations with mothers worldwide. When it comes to motherhood, she believes we still live in a highly conventional era, but also that change is on the horizon. With this podcast series she doesn’t just want to share her own vision but wants to give voice to others who greatly inspire her by following their mission to increase the power of feminine energy in our Western cultures.

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“Apart from being a proud mother, I also needed to still feel like me, the woman, the person that I am. Allowing space for the new me that was about to take shape while stepping into another season of motherhood.”


“We live in a highly conventional era when it comes to motherhood.”

“I truly believe we the women have amazing instincts and we do not need parenting protocols or professionals when it comes to knowing what works best for our babies and ourselves.”

“To express yourself for who you truly are – a mother, a woman and so much more.”

“I would like to encourage women to trust themselves. To claim their space in society while keeping their baby close to their heart.”


“Society doesn’t always make it easy for us parents. A lot of mothers get a sort of social anxiety when a baby starts crying in public. Let alone when you decide to breastfeed while being out and about.”

“Through breastfeeding and skin-on-skin contact parents create a love hormone which allows you to bond with your child even deeper.”

“The way you mother, is your choice to make.”

“I don’t think there are set ways and rules when it comes to parenting. Every person is different. So is every baby. There is no right or wrong as long as you trust your own intuition.”


“Working with nature instead of against it has always been at the core of Artipoppe when it comes to our product, our people, our philosophy.”

“I think we can learn a lot from indigenous communities and how to bridge their knowledge between motherhood and science that benefits the planet and therefore us.”

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Pilot episode: The power of feminine energy and what it means to Artipoppe, explained by Anna van den Bogert

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Episode 17: Adriana Ayales shares ancient herbs and plant remedies for pregnancy, birth and postpartum

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Episode 16: Latham Thomas on preparing for birth through functional movement, community’s role in birth and breast milk as liquid love

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Episode 15: Mayara Assis on how sex is more than creating a baby

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Episode 14: Laura Storm on regeneration, connecting to nature and reclaiming our feminine essence

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Episode 13: Jane Goodall on what chimpanzees can teach us about parenting and how this is key to a hopeful future on planet earth

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Episode 12: Sister Cody on how changing the world starts with loving yourself

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Episode 11: Gabrielle Bernstein on removing stigma around medical intervention and spiritual motherhood

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Episode 10: Zach Bush on motherhood, parenting, holistic health and bridging science, spirit and nature

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Episode 9: Jeanne de Kroon about a sustainable and socially fair future for all 

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Episode 8: Samira Rafaela about true diversity and more women in leadership positions

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Episode 7: Carson Meyer about changing the status quo when it comes to birthing

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Episode 6: What we can learn from indigenous communities with Nina Gualinga

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Episode 5: Mama Medicine on motherhood from a spiritual point of view

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Episode 4: Ella Mills about changing the global food culture

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Episode 3: Linda Tol on miscarriage, overcoming infertility and being in an interracial relationship

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Episode 2: Building a wiser and kinder world with Holiday Phillips

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Episode 1: Danielle Duboise on food as medicine and motherhood

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