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Episode 12 with Sister Cody

Artist, poet, and mental health advocate or ‘conscious creative’ Sister Cody has amassed many followers worldwide who are captivated by his joyful, kind spirit. He shares intentional and incredibly heartfelt messages of love through various drawings and musings. He has experienced mental illness himself and has worked with children in psychiatric hospitals, which taught him a great deal about compassion and what needs to change about the current mental healthcare system. Namely, the absence of the healing of the soul. Sister Cody found his inner light through art, nature, community and tapping into his own pure and untethered soul. In this podcast episode, he once more opens his heart to share his truth. Very openly discussing the transformation he’s going through at this very moment, which also comes with ups and downs, how a better world starts with loving yourself, life’s purpose, and the next generation of souls.

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“If you can cultivate self-love within yourself, I think that will shine with you wherever you go. I think that will affect every single person that you meet. I think it will enrich every experience you have in life.” 

“If you’re walking with this confidence and self-love of ‘I love myself, I have an idea of who I am and what I want’ you’re going to follow that spirit and that’s going to lead you to the things you’re supposed to experience in life.”

“As you work on healing yourself you will start to see the love in everything, the beauty in everything and then that will make you want to take better care of the environment, want to take better care of the animals, stop, and help the stranger that’s walking across the street. It’ll naturally just unfold as the light shines through you because you’ll see that that light in everything and in everyone and the environment and the trees and the plants,  you’ll see that in everything.”


“As I keep resting into this present moment, into this observer, my mind is not allowed to control me anymore.”  

“I have a choice with each breath whether I want to be in my mind or be present.”

“I am so hungry and thirsty for growth, for life, for love, for God, for being in the present moment because I have been suffering so much that that’s the only thing that means anything to me now. If I had not gone through this suffering, I would not want it like I want it now.”


“The greatest gift you can give this world, the greatest purpose I could see is to be my complete self while I am here.”

“Guru means the squaller of darkness, somebody that can shine light in the dark. So, if that is the case, then I believe everybody in the world is a guru because we have all shined light in dark places.”

“I am a human being just like you’re a human being trying my very best to try to find peace and love within myself and in this world.”


“I was so confused, so lost, so depressed, so paranoid that I did not know how to tell anybody because I could not get the words to describe what was going on within my being, so I kept it all to myself.”  

“Going to therapy, they didn’t work with my spirit. They just wanted to know my problems and then right away they tried to put me on medication, it took the spirituality out of it which deep down is what I believed would cause me to heal.”


“If the parent’s not happy and the parent’s struggling, they are just going to make a kid that is that same way.”

“If the children don’t love themselves, they grow up to be adults who don’t love themselves and how can you impact the world in all these loving ways and help make this world a better place if you cannot find that love within yourself?”

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