A brief introduction on astrology
What is astrology?
If astronomy describes the movement of celestial bodies, astrology translates this movement into useful information for mankind. If we presume that everything is energy, we realize that everything happening around our planet influences life on it. A very practical example is our day and night. Sunlight has the energy to give life and grow plants. When Earth moves away from the Sun, that energy is lacking. Another example is the Moon, whose gravity determines the tides. Or the seasons, determined by the positioning of the Earth relative to the Sun. All celestial bodies (or planets) influence life on Earth. And just like day and night, the tides and the seasons, cosmic movement is always cyclical.
In the same way, we know how to collect solar energy and use it to make life easier, astrology can make us more conscious of less visible energies available to us by the planets’ movement. As soon as we become conscious of this, we can learn to use that energy to our advantage. This astrological forecast is not your average horoscope but offers tools to become familiar with available energy and collaborate with it. Not by acting, but just by being conscious of it.
Imagine: you don’t know it’s winter. The sudden cold will take you by surprise, but by being conscious of the temperature outside you can prepare for it by dressing warmly. That is exactly how astrology works: an astrologer is like a cosmic weatherman. By being conscious of cosmic cycles and their influence on your personal as well as collective experience, change and the unknown won’t take you by surprise, and you will gain a better grip on life.
Frequently used terms
Analytical psychology
A form of psychology developed by Carl Jung. Analytical psychology focuses on what drives the human psyche. These individual drivers are located in the subconscious part of our psyche. Analytical psychology connects the consciousness to the subconsciousness. It does so by revealing subconscious drives. According to Jung, they are stored in the subconsciousness as potential ‘material’ (psychic energy), ready to be used. The only thing we must do is to make them useful for the consciousness. Analytical psychology focuses on raising awareness about the ‘unused material’ by experiencing and understanding it better.
The science studying the psychological effects of the movement of celestial bodies on human experiences and personalities.
Consciousness is the human ability to experience or perceive. It is being aware of yourself and your surroundings. Consciousness is what makes humans perceptive, creative, and intelligent.
Being a part of the universe. All humans are cosmic in nature because Earth is part of our universe.
Creative intelligence
The ability to always think in solutions. Creative energy is the energy that never gets stuck because the golden rule in life is that everything is forever and continuously moving.
Emotional intelligence
The ability to understand the logic of emotions and to work with them. When a person is emotionally intelligent, he or she can easily, harmoniously, focused, and effectively handle the energy and effects of their own emotions and those of others.
Energy in movement, that can make us act or inhibit us by way of perception.
The force that keeps everything in our universe moving.
Full Moon
The moment the Sun is positioned exactly opposite the Moon, as seen from the Earth. The Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun at that moment.
A different term for the universe. Kosmos means ‘order’ in Greek.
Creating certain events by way of intention, combined with mental or physical power.
A generic term for the infinite number of universes residing in the universe.
The totality of the human mind, conscious and subconscious. Our psyche controls the multidimensional identity in ourselves. This aspect is (still) subconscious in most of us.
The non-material part of our consciousness that exists in a different time-space continuum than our material self. Our material self is our body and mind. The soul is the beginning of our multi-dimensional identity.
Spiritual intelligence
The ability to see that everything that happens is connected, and to have the intention to act accordingly.
A different name for the cosmos, in which a multitude of stars, planets, galaxies, and forms of life reside.
A brief introduction on Christiano Greve Ormeño
A fascinating, spectacular, and intense search. That is how Christiano would describe his spiritual development. He began this journey at the age of 26, in the nineties: a time with a lot still to be discovered in the spiritual field. Around 1995, little was known about the transformational processes arising from personal development. Let alone any practical information. Driven by the need to manage his own discovery process, Christiano decided to get started himself.
Through trial and error, he succeeded in controlling his emotions, focusing his thoughts, and listening to his intuition. An essential breakthrough. “I realized mastering yourself is one of the most important things in life.” The psychology of astrology and meditation played an important role: “astrology helped me to understand my own personality better and through meditation, I learned to master myself,” he says. Astrology not only tells us something about our personality, but it also reveals the cosmic cycles affecting us all. Everything is connected and everything influences each other.
Every month, Christiano brings us his translation of the energy available here on Earth by the movement of the planets in the cosmos. He offers us tools to get to know ourselves, control our emotions and move through life easier.