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Episode 11: Gabrielle Bernstein

In this episode we talk to Gabrielle Bernstein, a thought-provoking motivational speaker, spiritual leader and bestselling author of nine books (one in the works) including The Universe Has Your Back. She co-hosted the Guinness World Records’ largest guided meditation with Deepak Chopra, she is on Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 list and she just launched her very own podcast called Dear Gabby. Gabrielle had a spiritual upbringing but lost her connection to spirit at some point in her adolescence. It was actually through connecting back to that spiritual place within herself that she was able to heal from addiction and – as she later found out – sexual abuse as a child.

For over fifteen years now, Gabrielle has been a guiding light for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. She has always been extremely open about the challenges she faces, amongst them also infertility and postpartum depression. During our conversation she touches on her spiritual journey and the collective and spirituality. She strongly believes that we should resolve stigma and shame around postpartum depression and medication. Stating that for our mental health, especially as mothers, it is crucial to not be ‘too black and white’. She talks about her fertility journey, hypnobirthing (also sharing her own hypnobirthing affirmations), the process of IVF and being a mom to her now two-year-old baby boy Oliver.


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“Sometimes we need to be grateful for things that cause us the most discomfort because they reveal to us our greatest opportunity for growth.”

“When you have a moment of hitting rock bottom, it’s a good thing because you have a choice to crack open, to awaken and to move deeper into your spiritual foundation.”

“If my nervous system, energy and thoughts are well, if I’m sleeping well and caring for myself, everything else will work out.” 

“Humanity’s biggest quest right now is to remember our spiritual nature. It’s the only way to come together for a greater healing of our planet, our communities, our political systems, our health and our wellbeing. It’s the main thing that unifies us.”


“What I learned from my son is to be fully present and to take the opportunity to strengthen my connection.”

“Surrendering is one of the most beautiful lessons that being a mother could offer. You have to surrender even more.”

„During postnatal depression, the energy is far more affecting the child than maybe a slight dose of medication that might come in through breastmilk. This is not just Gabby Bernsteins’ words, but based on actual data.”

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